Commission Order Form
Here's where you can order commissions! By using this form your payment method will be Paypal invoice instead of ko-fi transaction! For an overview of my prices, visit
or refer to the price guide below!
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Price Guide
I have read and agree to aurumeclipse's Terms of Service  *
Commission Style *
Commission Type *
Couple Illustration Add-Ons (only fill in if ordering a couple illustration!)
This commission will be NSFW. I agree that I am over 18 upon ordering.
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Please provide your Paypal email here! *
Please link a visual reference to the character you are commissioning here! *
Please provide any information/ideas you would like included in your commission. This can include:
any details or small staging elements
anything else you deem relevant for me to know to complete your commission accurately and to the best of my ability

OR if you would like to leave it up to me!

Feel free to link images as well to supplement any information here!
Please provide an email or your twitter/instagram social media handle so I can contact you! *
Are you a patreon member? If yes, please include your patreon username below for the discount!
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