Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on the overall institutional performance for the session 2023-24.
For each item, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement by selecting between excellent to poor.    
Email *
Detail of Student (Name, Semester) *
1. How do you rate the quality of teaching and faculty support? *
2. Does the faculty encourage the student engagements? *
3. How do you rate the quality of invited talks and field visits ? *
4. Rate your satisfaction on internal assessment evaluation. *
5. Adequacy of library and learning resources. *
6. Office and administrative support given *
7. Canteen facility and services *
8. Cleanliness in the campus *
9. Availability of safe drinking water *
10. Girls common room facility *
11. Sports facilities in the college *
12.  Well ventilated and spacious class room availability *
13. Information and communication technologies facilities *
14. Receiving timely communications from college *
15. Career guidance and training support in the college *
16. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities carried out in the college *
17. Students counseling and counsellor support *
18. Placement activities and support *
19. First aid facilities in the college *
20. Overall Rating of the institution *
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