Transportation Survey
We have a complex challenge and need your input. We hope you'll take a few minutes to understand the problem, then share your feedback.  

We are considering two possible changes to our transportation model. This year we changed to a single-tier transportation system that is operating at 50% capacity. It works because many parents volunteered to drive their children this year due to the pandemic. It is unlikely the model can be sustained in the future because we face THREE challenges.

1) Long Ride Times on our current model (up to 2 hours and 4 minutes for some students)
2) There is a statewide shortage of bus drivers - and in Cambridge-Isanti - we have had to reduce the number of routes. This is a problem because our current model needs the greatest number of drivers.
3) We have an aging bus fleet and budget cuts have deferred bus purchases. This is a problem because our current model needs the greatest number of buses.

There are pros and cons to each of the three models we are considering. We look forward to your feedback.
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Until this year, the district used a single-tier Hub and Transfer system for bussing. All students K-12 ride together. It is efficient but also has long ride times and requires more drivers and buses. What is your opinion of this model, on a scale unfavorable (1) to favorable (5)?
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Some districts use a two-tier model, without a hub and transfer. Each bus is used for two routes in the morning and two routes in the afternoon. This requires fewer buses and fewer drivers. Students K-5 would ride one route, and students 6-12 would ride the second route. Secondary students would start school later. This model has shorter ride times. What is your opinion of this model, on a scale unfavorable (1) to favorable (5)?
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In thinking about our transportation planning, please rank order the following priorities with #1 = Most Important and #9 Least Important.
Each column can only have 1 row checked, meaning you can only rank one item as #1 and a different item as #2.  You may leave items blank if they are not important to you. Some items are opposite choices (example: late start time or early dismissal time).
K-12 siblings riding together
Later start times for secondary students
Lowest cost model
Shorter ride times for students
K-5 students separate from 6-12 kids
Fewer drivers/buses
Earlier dismissal times for secondary students
More drivers/buses
Fewer transfers at CMS and IIS
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Families: approximately how far do you live from school?
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What school(s) do your children attend or do you work at?
check all that apply
If there are other factors we should be thinking about, please note them here.
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