Booking Form - Open Evening - Thursday 19th September
We warmly invite you to join us for our Open Evening on Thursday, 19th September 2024.
The school will be open from 3.45pm with the first talk at 4.00pm.

Between 4.30pm - 6.30pm you will be able to experience the wide range of facilities we are privileged to have at the school, meet our teachers and experience the learning in our different departments. Further talks will take place at 5.00pm and 6.30pm.

There will be parking at the school but we encourage parents and carers to walk or cycle to the school if they are able to as parking spaces are limited.  Please do not park in neighbouring roads.

Please use this form to book a place to hear the Headteacher's Presentation in the Q Theatre. 
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Any personal data entered on this form will be held on computer and is subject to the Data Protection Act. Further information about the use of data is available from the school or on our website at:  Privacy Notice
Parent / Carer Full Name  *
Student Name *
Contact telephone number *
Which school is your child currently at? *
Please select which of Headteachers talk time you prefer to attend *
How many places would you like at the talk? *
Do you have anything specific you'd like to know about on the evening? (You can let us know in advance so we can cover that information for you on the night)
Do you require any help in accessing the school e.g. wheelchair access
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Any other comments or feedback?
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