2025 NAQT Missouri Qualifier - March 1 at Columbia College
Complete this form to express your interest in the 2025 NAQT Missouri Qualifier on Saturday, March 1. We will send a reminder to interested teams shortly before registration opens on Wednesday, December 4.

This tournament is only open to Missouri high schools registered with MSHSAA for Scholar Bowl.
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School Name *
Coach Name *
Email Address *
Are you interested in attending the 2025 NAQT Missouri Qualifier on March 1? *
Expressing interest in the tournament does not guarantee your school any spots in the field.

If you are interested, please complete the remaining questions with an estimate of the number of teams you'd like to bring and any moderators or scorekeepers you anticipate providing. We will email you a reminder shortly before registration opens on Wednesday, December 4.

If you are not planning to attend this year, we appreciate knowing that. You may skip the remaining questions that are not applicable to you.
How many teams would you like to bring?
Our tournaments historically fill quickly and have long waitlists. We want to assemble a competitive and diverse field with representation from every area of the state, so schools will initially be limited to one team each for the first month of registration. We will host as many teams as our available rooms and staff will accommodate, and welcome additional teams from each school if space becomes available.
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How many moderators would you likely be willing to provide?
Schools are not obligated to provide any staff, but any experienced moderators you provide would help us expand the field to accommodate more teams. We will likely be using 11 minute timed halves again. When reading NAQT-length tossups and bonuses, moderators will ideally be able to start the tenth tossup of a half before the 11 minute timer expires. We expect (nearly) all games at the tournament to reach a minimum of 18 tossups.

We will use NAQT's online question system for moderators.

Schools receive a discount off the registration fee for each staff volunteer.
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How many scorekeepers would you likely be willing to provide?
To provide the most efficient tournament experience, we want to make sure each moderator has a scorekeeper, so scorekeepers are equally important to helping us expand the field. We will use our Google Sheets on the classroom computers for scorekeeping.
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Anything else we should know?
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