POSTPONED: Yunchan Lim – Sept. 23, 2023 Hayes Piano Recital

Due to personal reasons, Yuncham Lim's September 23, 2023, Hayes Piano Series recital at the John F. Kennedy Center Terrace Theater is postponed to a future season. Lim's management is working to reschedule the Washington Performing Arts concert for a later season.

Washington Performing Arts ticketholders may request to either exchange their tickets for another Washington Performing Arts 2023-2024 performance, donate the value of their tickets to Washington performing Arts, receive a Washington Performing Arts credit to be redeemed during the 2023-2024 season, or receive a refund for their performance tickets.

Please indicate how you would like to use your current ticket for the postponed concert.  

If you prefer, you may call our patron services staff to discuss your options. We are available 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday at (202) 785-9727.

Thank you for your interest and investment in Washington Performing Arts and for everything you do to make our work of bringing world-class artists to our world-class region possible. 

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