Coaching Inquiry Form 
Are you a woman who has tried everything in terms of diets and wants to lose weight. 

You've done the keto, and insert all the other diets you have tried,

but every time you step on the scale you still feel like you're not proud of yourself.

and you want to look in the mirror everyday and love your body

you want to be in photos feeling confident

you want to have junk food in the house and be able to not eat it?

WELCOME! You are in the right place. 

Inside of this program I will walk you through sustainable weight loss habits to help you lose weight

but more someone who can keep off the weight forever and KNOW that you can always apply these practices.

Next Step:
1. Submit this form below so that you can make sure that you're great fit for coaching. 
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Email *
Name and IG Handle *
What would you like to achieve for your body and in your health in the next 90 Days? *
What have you tried in the past? *
What has got in your way, slowed you down or prevented you from achieving this? *
Are you ready to make an investment in yourself? *
Thanks for filling this out! I will be in touch! xx, Samantha
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