Registration (KYC)
Please fill this form from your primary Google Email ID.  The Active Calls Database is shared only with your registered email ID. If you use a secondary or work email for this, you will have to go through a  manual process to change the email later, which is painful you and us.  
{The Active Calls Database is a google sheet where all Stock Recommendations new and old are populated.}
Email *
First and Last name *
Your Age Group *
City *
WhatsApp number (Add ISD code for international numbers) *
Please enter the number on which you have an active WhatsApp & Telegram account
Designation , Company *
Eg: Chartered Accountant , PWC or Cardiologist, Apollo Hospital or Research Analyst, EXP Invest  
Where did you first hear about *
At what stage of investing are you? *
Please open your Zerodha trading account to avail automated Stop-loss and Target execution facility called GTT (good till trigger) orders. Click to sign up:
What does 'Financial Freedom' mean to you?
What kind of content are you interested in? *
(Select multiple)
Select your trading capital range *
Select the service you are interested in *
EXP Invest is a platform for serious participants only. We do not indulge any intraday trading or options trading requests/enquiries. Our focus is solely on finding consistent success via swing trading and long term investments.  

By signing up you are expressing commitment to become a better trader by devoting quality time to learn new a new skill and take necessary actions for staying discipline, following trading advice and attending training.
Stock Trading is a highly risky practice and therefore continuous improvement in need of the hour.  

Please practice caution and understand that loss of capital is possible in stock market trading despite of all risk management tools. Only trade with disposable income, never with crucial life altering corpus. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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