Font Engineering QA (Quality Assurace)  PhD.
Hi, my name is Jan Charvat ( and I'm doing PhD. thesis on a new human (non coder) usable open source QA* tool for font production free to use to everybody. First of all thank you for your time and expertise to help me start with my project. It will take you max. 5 minutes to answer.

Here's a questionnaire that will help me understand different opinions and thoughts about QAing fonts. Please share this form to as many font designers and engineers as possible, so I can get the best view on the process of other people.

Thanks to you I will be able to build great QA tool which will be available to everybody. If you want to contact me here's my mail and down there PLEASE FILL YOUR CONTACT and I will SEND YOU ACCESS TO BETA TESTING SITE and TO FINAL PRODUCTION SITE later on.

*QA means Quality Assurance, QA is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products (fonts), thanks Wiki
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I don't want to collect names or any personal data, but in case you willing to chat about this topic, leave me email down there and I may get in touch with you, or invite you for a beer or so. And I will thank you in my PhD thesis (isn't that nice?) and send you the final link to the webpage (that is actually nice)
Your field / Job Title / What do you do?
How you consider yourself? (I know independent designers do all of that, but let me understand what is your expertise)
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Independent / Foundry / Employee
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How many fonts you produce per year (not only for yourself, overall)
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How you consider your skills? (points like stars 1 - least true ,5 most true)
I do type design with ease
I understand concept of metrics / kerning
I understand anchors and building diacritics
I know what features do
I can setup a font before export
I know some font standards
I know how to test fonts in apps (InDesign, Word, etc...)
I know how to test fonts in commandline
I know how to test fonts in browsers
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What Font SW you use
Most of the time.
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QA specification
Do you use any kind of QA to test your fonts?
By ANY I mean litteraly anyting, even trying to install the font is kind of a QA, or opening InDesign and seeing the styles is some sort of QA.
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Do you test your fonts before you export them from Font SW or after?
Do you use internal / external QA tools?
which you can answer in next question
What do you test?
HINTS: Design QA (diacritics, outline errors, alignment zones, mixed glyphs, ...), Charset, (glyph order, ligatures, duplicates, spaces, hyphens, unicodes...) Font Info (masters, stems, inerpolations, style linking, instance naming, italic angle, vertical metrics, ...), Metrics, Kerning, Features. After export: Indesign, Word, style naming, style linking, features working, kerning working, hinting, ...
What would you like to test and you don't have the tool or the knowledge or the time to do so?
What QA tools do you use?
name, authors, web address pretty please
QA Tool
Would you be interested on a new website giving you QA testing in one place or you feel comfortable with your tools?
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Would you be interested in a publication/wiki explaning font standards and QA testing?
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Would you be interested in Foundry Specific testing of fonts (metadata, charsets, etc...)
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There could be more levels of user interaction. What level you think would be apropriate for you?
If you choose other option, please describe your expectations
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Where would you prefer to use the tool?
Fonts on the server will be deleted after testing anyway
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Do you miss some kind of test or functionality related to QA? Anything that would make QA easier?
Your e-mail:
Do you know any nice tool, that is not necessarily QA, but it is uselfull or pleasant work with in regards of fonts?
Would you like to participate with any kind of test you use regulary? I may implement it or we could cooperate on that.
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