Fidget Spinner Order Form
Each spinner is $5, Pick up your spinner during second block in Mr.Barrett's classroom. Contact me at or order another spinner through

Check my website for updates:

Completed Orders: #1-17           In production: #

IMPORTANT* Due to a high increase in demand, >>>delivery of the fidget spinners will be delayed until MONDAY YES THIS UPCOMING MONDAY GET HYPE.<<< 8 SPINNERS LEFT FOR PURCHASE ALL OTHER ORDERS WILL BE COMPLETED IN THE NEXT WEEK

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idk if this is with school policy or not so don't be telling any teachers (or getting caught), but, if you sell one of my spinners to another kid for $6, you can keep the $1 dollar profit (or $2 if u can sell for $7) . Just input their order here (their name in the first question up top) with your name as the seller in the box below
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