Robotics Team Participation Agreement and Medical Information Form
The following agreement and guidelines apply for the current school term for all students participating in the Thomas County Central High School Robotics team.
Practice Guidelines
The coach determines meeting schedules and expectations with the input of team members. Practice, robot design, prototyping, and redesign are required to ensure an adequate level of performance in competition.
Online Training
Online materials and assignments may be provided to prepare students for competition and minimize group meetings. Although this both an in-class and an extracurricular program, students who do not participate in using preparatory materials or attending practice and meetings may not be eligible for participation in competitions or other team events.
Permission Forms
For a student to be an official member of the robotics team and to depart for competition, the coach must have a signed copy of the Parental Permission Form and/or Liability Release in possession. This form will cover all robotics team practices, league meets, and competitions for the school year. Failure to provide an authentic signed copy of the Parental Permission Form or Liability Release at the time requested by the coach will prevent a student from participating.
Students are expected to represent Thomas County Schools with PRIDE. Students must respect and follow all school rules as specified in the School Handbook. Students should dress in appropriate attire for competitions. Smoking, alcohol, and loitering in unsupervised areas during competitions or travel is prohibited. Curfews are enforced. Any infraction of these and/or other rules will result in a conference with administrators and parents. The coach may eject a student from participation, travel, or competitions, send a student home or restrict a student from team participation. Travel costs after ejection from any competition are the responsibility of the student and his/her parent(s). Other penalties may be administered by the school administration. Remember, we are a TEAM! Students should be respectful of themselves and others from our school and other schools.
All awards belong to the team and become school property at the election of the coach. Individual awards remain the property of the team for display in the awards cases for the remainder of the competition season, thereafter, these awards become the property of the winning student. Students should bring all awards to the coach on Monday morning following the competition for display and handling.
I have read and understood the standards for participation in the Robotics Team competition, and I agree to comply with all current rules and procedures.