Get Involved: Run for Committee Person in 2022
Want to take the next step up toward neighborhood political leadership, and help 5th Square support great candidates for office in the 2022 and 2023 elections?

Philadelphia's political parties are holding local elections at the precinct level in 2022, and you can run for and win a seat in your neighborhood with just a few dozen votes. The next ward committee election is May 2022, and petitions start around Valentine's Day. It only takes 10 signatures to get your name on the ballot.

Why does this matter? 5th Square's mission is all about reforming Philadelphia's planning politics around transportation, housing, and public space, and elected officials really listen to grassroots community leaders on these topics. That could be you!

Running for a committee person seat is a way to put a little power behind your opinions on these topics, and influence what kinds of candidates get endorsed in your neighborhood by the local ward organization. Many 5th Square members now serve as committee people, and others who have won these seats have gone on to take on larger leadership roles in their neighborhoods. Building this layer of local leadership is crucial for winning on the issues that matter to our membership, so we're here to help you win.

Find your division on the map at the link, and sign up below with your info, and someone will reach out with some next steps.

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