Grant Proposal Question & Answer (Q&A) Period

Thank you for enhancing undergraduate student learning by simulating a grant review process, and joining us for the Q&A period.   I appreciate your questions, and giving the students a chance to engage in conversations as emergent professionals.       

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Your Name: *
This review is for which team Q&A period?
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Introduction: The 1-2 minute introductory summary of the project was_______________? *
Teamwork: If the project had multiple team members, all of them demonstrated in-depth knowledge about the project in the Q&A session.
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Responses to questions: Students were able to understand and appropriately respond to questions as scholarly inquiry without becoming overly defensive.
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Overall: How did the team's performance during the Q&A period affect the strength of the team video proposal. 
Weakened it
Enhanced it
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Other Comments?
Thank you!   These reviews by external reviewers are crucial to student learning.   I really appreciate you enhancing student learning and contributing to this collaborative global health process.
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