Interview guide - Dr Amy
Dr Amy has been featured across many media channels, podcasts, TV shows, interviews and online platforms. Dr Amy loves sharing her passion for holistic health, as well as connecting and giving value in person and online
The team receive daily requests for interviews, so in order to help us find if this is the correct match, please can you let us know more about what you have in mind with the below interview guide.

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Email *
What is your Name/ Company/ Media outlet? *
What is your E-mail? *
What is the content or topic you would like Dr Amy to talk about? *
Please describe your audience? Gender/ age/ interests? *
What type of interview is it? Please add further details *
What is the ideal length of the interview? Or word count? *
When will this interview be featured? *
How will you promote it? *
Whats your social media following? Handles? *
What is your list size? How often will this be sent out? Campaign ideas? *
Please add any further details so we can quickly get back to you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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