Burlington Jam Scholarship Application
We want to be a part of a thriving community.  We are grateful for the gifts of contact improvisation and the contact improv community.  We understand that there are barriers that make the jam not feel accessible.  We aspire and work towards being a welcoming place for a diverse community.  

This scholarship is for anyone who has a relationship with contact improv or wants to start and who self identifies with being a part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized group.  Preference is given to those who have not previously attended the Burlington Jam.  Scholarship participants do not have any obligation to the jam besides attending the jam at their level of comfort and filling out a feedback form about their experience.
The scholarship includes:
Burlington Jam admission (including the meals provided at the jam)
A campsite for one tent.  (Northbeach Campground, Burlington VT, more info below)
Welcoming orientation Friday at 5pm and additional support from Burlington Jam organizers
Total value: $100
Scholarship Application Deadline: Aug 16, 2019 11:59pm
The Burlington Jam will award scholarships at its discretion and as funds are available to applicants who have met the application deadline of Aug 16, 2019 11:59pm. Notification of scholarship awards will be sent by August 22, 2019.  Please email Abbi with any questions: abbi.jaffe(at)gmail.com

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Please share your interest in attending the Burlington Jam:
What is your interest in contact improv / contact improv community?  
Would you like to attend most of the jam?
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Can you attend a welcome meeting for scholarship participants on the Friday of the Jam at 5pm?
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Do you self-identify as belonging to an underrepresented and/or marginalized group in CI?  Please tell us more.
Lodging: Where will you stay for the Burlington Jam?  (Check all that apply)
One campsite is provided with the scholarship.  The campsite is at North Beach Campground (next to Lake Champlain and within biking distance to the jam).  The campsite allows for one tent and up to two people in the tent (if you want to invite someone to join you in your tent).  Parking for one car is included at the campground, though only one car can be parked at the actual campsite. The site will be shared with another Burlington Jam participant’s tent.  Please communicate with the other Burlington Jam participant about whose car will stay at the campsite.
Transportation Part One: How will you get to Burlington?  Do you need any support thinking about your transportation to the jam?
Transportation Part Two: How will you get to/from the jam from where you are staying during the jam?  Would you like help finding a ride between where you are staying and the jam?  Do you have a bike you could bring?
The Northbeach Campground is 2 miles from the jam on a bike path.
Anything you would like us to know about you?
Do you have any questions for us?
Thank you!  
We hope to meet you soon!

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