Stanford GSB GMIX Program - Potential Sponsor Information Form
This form will be used to help guide our conversation regarding GMIX opportunities with your organization. Please answer the questions as thoroughly and accurately as possible.
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Email *
General Information
Organization Name *
Organization Website *
Organization Type *
Industry *
# of Employees *
Year Organization Founded *
Organization Description *
Does your organization have a social purpose? *
Contact Information
Please provide contact information for the primary contact for the internship opportunity, as well as the contact information for the organization.
Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last Name *
Primary Contact Role/Title *
Contact Email Address *
Organization Address (Line 1) *
Organization Address (Line 2)
Organization City *
Organization Country *
Organization State/Province *
Organization Zip/Postal Code *
GMIX Information
Please provide some information on the GMIX position you are considering for your organization.
Role Description
Role Function
e.g., Strategy, Finance, Consulting, Marketing, etc.
Mentor's Title and Years of Professional Experience
Potential GMIX Location (Country) #1
Potential GMIX Location (Country) #2
How did you hear about the GMIX Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business? *
If you selected "Through an alumni", "Through a current student", or "Through another GMIX sponsor", please provide the name of the person or organization here.
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