Course Feedback Form

Dear Student,

Thank you for participating in Our course at Aimnxt. Your feedback is important to us as it helps us improve our courses and services.

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Your Name: *
Q1)Which course did you opt for? *
Q2) How satisfied were you with the content covered in the course?  
Q3)  Did the course cover topics that were relevant to your learning goals?
Q4)  How would you rate the effectiveness of the trainer in delivering the course content?
Q5)  Did the trainer effectively engage with the students and encourage participation?
Q6)  Are the trainers taking the class on time?
Q7)   How would you rate the overall delivery of the course (e.g., pace, clarity, organization)?
Q8)  What did you like most about the course? [ Not more than 50 words]
Q9)  What aspects of the course could be improved? [ Not more than 50 words]
Q10) Any other comments or suggestions? [ Not more than 50 words]
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