Tell us about you!
Thanks for your interest in the Ohel Minyan!  Please help us get to know you, and let our gabbai'im know:
-- your contact info and if you'd like to be added to our email list
-- dates of any yahrzeits you'd like to commemorate by attending morning minyan
-- if you'd like to be in the rotation for leading services
-- if you'd like to be in the rotation for layning Torah, haftorah, or any of the megillahs.  
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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your e-mail address? *
What is your cell phone number? (optional)
What are your pronouns? *
Would you like to be added to the Ohel Minyan e-mail list? *
One of the most meaningful parts of our morning minyan is when a person in mourning or marking a yahrzeits can say kaddish with us. If you would like to let us know when you have a yahrzeit coming up, please fill out this form.
Can you make morning minyan in a pinch? If you answer "yes" to the following, please make sure to include your phone number above so we can add you to the "We Need a 10th!" WhatsApp group.
We welcome anyone who would like to join our community to come to our davening, regardless of religious affiliation. We accept the traditional understanding that a person is Jewish if the person who gave birth to them is Jewish, either by birth or conversion, or if the person has undergone a conversion that includes mikvah and circumcision/hatafat dam brit (if appropriate). Solely for the purposes of counting a quorum of ten adult Jews, are you: *
I am the child of: *
When called to the Torah, I prefer to be called using *
By what Hebrew name do you prefer to be called to the Torah?  Please see the Fort Tryon Jewish Center's All-Gender Torah service liturgy at for information on how we call people to the Torah. *
Are you interested in leading davening? *
What services, if any, are you comfortable leading?
How much lead/prep time do you need before leading services?  Provide as much detail as you feel necessary.
Can you blow shofar? *
Are you interested in leyning? *
Please select all texts you'd be interested in layning.
All food served at Ohel minyan davening is prepared in a kosher kitchen (or is pre-packaged and has a hekhsher). We recognize there is a variety of forms of kashrut observance in our community. For the purposes of hosting guests or cooking food in your home to bring elsewhere, please check the appropriate box. If you want to explain/ask further, please do so on the last question.
The Ohel Minyan is a community, and we do things together besides daven (though many of us like to daven together). Check below if you're interested in joining a WhatsApp thread for the groups below. If you want to know more about existing group, or start a new one, let us know!
Thanks for completing this survey! If you have any additional comments or feedback please leave them below.
Get connected right away by joining our WhatsApp groups:

Click here to join Ohel Minyan News and Shmooze

Click here to join Ohel Minyan Needs a Tenth (most practical for people who lives close to the Ohel)

Click here to join the Ohel helpers, if you are up for helping out here and there with putting on events
How did you hear about us? *
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