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Parent Information Sheet 2021-2022
Please complete the questions below. Thank you for helping us get to know your child better! We look forward to building a partnership in learning to make this a successful year!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your Name
Your answer
Your child's name
Your answer
Your Email
Your answer
What is your relationship to the student?
Your answer
Please list all names and email addresses of those who should be included in the class distribution list.
Your answer
Please share any information I should know about your child (medications, allergies, bathroom needs, recent events that may affect your child's behavior, etc.)
Your answer
What are your child's strengths? Please include as many as you can think of-- academic, social, athletic, artistic, musical, etc. Be specific and don't be bashful!
Your answer
What motivates your child?
Your answer
What are some things your child struggles with?
Your answer
What are your goals for your child this year?
Your answer
Does your child read at home? If so, what type of books does he/she enjoy reading?
Your answer
How does your child feel about school in general?
Your answer
How does your child feel about e-learning?
Your answer
Describe your child's attitude about writing.
Your answer
Describe your child's attitude about math.
Your answer
What are your child's favorite free time activities?
Your answer
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