MATRIX | Submissions
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Email *
Artist Name *
Name (first) *
Country Location *
Latest Release (Spotify URL) 
Name on your @IG and/or @TikTok account/s ;(not the URL)
Which of these are of interest?
Do you have a new release planned? *
If 'Yes', intended Rel.Date?
Please provide private listening link to your upcoming new release, and/or the current track (Spotfy URL) you'd like to use as a 'focus' track
We’re able to work with past/current/new releases. When are you potentially looking to start? *
How did you find / hear about us?  *
What's your availability for a phone/video call in the days ahead?  *
Tel.Number ( dialling code) (in confidence.)
Name of A&R that reached out, or, if you're contacting us via the website, tick: 'Direct'
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