Yorkshire Classic Motorcycle Club 
Membership Form 2024
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Email *
First Name  *
Surname  *
Address and postcode  *
Landline *
Mobile *
Type of membership   *

I agree to my details being retained by the Yorkshire Classic MCC Ltd

for record and contact purposes as described in the club’s policy document.

This document can be found on the club’s website

http://www.yorksclassictrials.co.uk/ or by email or on paper on request.

Membership is £10 and you can pay by bank transfer.
(Provided when you press SUBMIT)

Details of trials are available from the website

Privacy Policy and Data Protection (GDPR) 

Yorkshire Classic Motor Cycle Club Ltd (YCMCC) is a non-profit making Company limiting its members to £1 liability each in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

YCMCC organise motorcycle events under permits from the AMCA (not ACU), backed up or modified by the Club’s own rules.

Personal Data Collection and Retention

Personal data is collected through membership application or event entry forms either on paper forms or electronically.

Event Entry Forms 

These forms are normally on paper and held by the Event or Club Secretary for a maximum period of one month. They will be disposed of by shredding to avoid them being found by unauthorised third parties.

Membership Data 

This data is used purely for the purpose of staying in touch and keeping members informed of YCMCC and related activities. It will not be shared with third parties either commercial or private for any purpose unless required by law. Paper membership application forms are retained by the Membership Secretary and also recorded on spreadsheets for each calendar year as electronic records of contact details. They are kept on the Membership Secretary’s personal computer protected by password, firewall and anti-viral software. Club officials may be supplied with these details from time to time as necessary to carry out YCMCC business.

Member’s home addresses, email addresses and mobile phone numbers will be used to distribute club news and information.

Agreement to Retain Personal Data

All members will be required to sign a 2019 or later revised membership form, a copy of the electronic record or agree by email to their Personal Data being stored and retained as described in this document.

Any member requiring all or part of his or her data to be removed should send a request to the Membership Secretary detailing which part/s they require to be removed.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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