SSRL Remote Access User Survey
 This survey of beamlines/instruments will help us determine what is working and what can be improved upon. This information will guide future focus and investments in remote access by SSRL.
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1. Your name and email
2. The questions below will be answered for this beamline, technique (e.g. BL 7-3, EXAFS). If multiple beamlines will have identical answers, they can all be listed together.
3. How much of the science that you want to do is currently practical (including mail-in experiments run remotely for you by SSRL staff)?
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4. Which best describes the current involvement of SSRL staff during experiments?
SSRL staff performs all experiments. Users are not actively involved.
SSRL staff has minimal involvement. Users have full control of the experiment (or experiments are mostly automated).
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5. Which best describes the amount of enabling technology for remote access currently available?
None (no external console for viewing or control of the experiment; no customized audiovisual communications; limited data analysis/export; no robotics; no dedicated support for shipping)
Significant--the quality of remote participation is equivalent to being on-site (multiple operator consoles, rich audiovisual communication with telepresence/first-person-view, robust data analysis/export, sophisticated robotics; sample shipping and tracking)
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6. If resources are provided to deploy remote access technology, how much of the science remote users want to do will be practical about one year from now (assuming it is allowed by lab policies and safety regulations)?
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7. If resources are provided to deploy remote access technology, what will be your preference for involvement of staff and remote users during experiments about one year from now (assuming experiments are allowed by lab policies and safety regulations)?
SSRL staff performs all experiments. Users are not actively involved.
SSRL staff has minimal involvement. Users have full control of the experiment (or experiments are mostly automated).
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8. Thinking of a 1 year horizon, do you intend to perform work completely on site, completely remote or as a hybrid model?
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9. Rate the impact on science for remote users that would result from the deployment of each type of remote technology, from 1 (none) to 5 (large impact).
Real-time communication (including audiovisual, telepresence, augmented reality, and collaborative platforms like Slack)
Remote consoles/computing/analysis (including e.g. virtual reality beamline)
Sample Shipping Portal/Support
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10. Describe the biggest challenge you face in performing remote experiments, and the enabling technology that would make the biggest impact for your beamtime? Also feel free to leave any additional comments you have.
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