Prosper Nashville: Building an Inclusive Economy for All | Public Survey
We'd like to get your feedback and ideas on different topic areas to build a more inclusive economy for Nashville. Please visit our website for more information:
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What do you and your neighbors need for high quality of life in Nashville? What is preventing your community from achieving that? *
insert description of mission. core components.
Please rank your top priorities for you and your neighbors to access high quality of life in Nashville.
What are 1 to 2 actions the next mayor should take to improve quality of life for all Nashvillians?
What are 1 to 2 items the next mayor should do to ensure all Nashvillians have access to quality jobs? How easy or difficult has it been for you to access good jobs?
Life-sustaining jobs are jobs that can be accessible through public transportation, pay a livable wage, and can fully provide for family care needs, etc.
How can Nashville become a great place for its small businesses? What are 1 to 2 things the administration can do to support the wellbeing of local small businesses?
Small businesses are those with between 1 and 49 employees. Small business needs may include capital (loans or grants), business planning, financial statement preparation, legal services, permitting and registration assistance, etc.
How can a future Nashville better support its underserved neighborhoods?
Underserved neighborhoods are areas in Nashville that do not have: access to quality jobs, qualify affordable housing, public transportation....

Nashville is one of the most successful growing metro areas in the country. How can Metro make sure that all residents are benefiting from that growth?

Any remaining comments or feedback?
Thank you for providing your feedback! We would like to collect some of your demographic information for data analysis purposes, which will be kept anonymous.
Zip Code *
How many years have you lived in Nashville? *
Age Range *
Ethnicity *
Race *
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