VOOPOO Brand Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions. We attach great importance to the valuable opinions of each user and look forward to your participation. Your voice matters!
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Have you used VOOPOO products before? *
Are you satisfied with the VOOPOO brand? *
What is your evaluation of the following aspects of VOOPOO brand? *
Strongly Satisfied
Strongly Dissatisfied
Brand Image
Which of the following age groups do you belong to? *
How long have you been smoking traditional tobacco? *
How long have you been vaping? *
After you have used e-cigarettes, have your smoking habits changed? *
Would you recommend VOOPOO products to your friends? *
Your suggestion for VOOPOO___ *
What is your gender? *
Your country is _____ *
Your E-mail is ______ *
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