Tourism Investment Network
Thank you for registered your interest on the UNWTO Investment Services. Please provide your information to receive further information.
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Full Name *
What organization/institution do you work or represent? *
This organization could include private companies, or governmental offices e.g. Ministry of Tourisms, Investment Promotion Agencies, etc. that are directly or indirectly involve with attraction, promotion, mobilization of tourism investments.
Current position/title at your organization? *
Where is your organization based at? or what country is your organization representing? *
This referees to the country you have main operations at, or if you are a government official it refers to the country you are working for, in some cases there are international promotion agencies representing other countries overseas.
What region is your country belong to? *
Please choose the option that best represents your current situation
Please, select the core function that your organization perform: *
You can select more than one option only in the case you organization has several mandates
Would you like to participate in a Tourism Foreign Direct Investments (TFDI) training program? *
Please choose the option that best represents your current situation
Which webinar would you like to participate at? *
You can select more than one option if you want
What is the main area you need expert support to improve your performance? *
You can select more than one option only in the case you organization has several mandates
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