Featured Artist Submission Form 
Hello hello! 

The 3D Artist Newsletter has always showcased incredible artwork of our community members. Now we are switching things up a bit.

Beginning today, I'd like to highlight exceptional artists within our industry who are currently seeking job opportunities. If you or someone you know is on the lookout for a job and would like me to showcase your work, please share your details below.

For any queries, feel free to reach out to me at michaeltanzillo@gmail.com.

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Name of the Artist *
What Job Role Are You Looking For? (Ex. Animator, Senior Rigging TD, Generalist, Etc...)
Link to Online Portfolio *
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Handle (if you want me to tag you)
Instagram Username ( (if you want me to tag you)
Anything Else You Would Like Me To Share?
I give The 3D Artist Newsletter permission to post the above work in their online newsletter.  *
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