Disability Discrimination Example Proforma - Employment (DDEP-E) - Third draft      
The Disability Discrimination Example Proformas provide a way of reporting examples of discrimination experienced by persons with a disability.  Submitting an example does not require any independent or objective finding of discrimination; the focus is on the experience and effects of perceived disability discrimination.  Whilst submission of this form will not alone lead to any advice or action on my part, sources of information and advice are listed in the recommended reading on the website:  https://equitynotjustequality.co.uk/   

For ease of completion, there are separate forms for different contexts: (1) education, (2) employment or (3) when receiving services of any kind.  The latter applies to both public services (e.g. healthcare or social care) and private services (e.g. leisure, retail, travel etc.). This specific proforma is for (2) employment. The other proformas are available at: https://equitynotjustequality.co.uk/

Disability discrimination under the Equality Act (EqA) includes direct or indirect discrimination, discrimination arising from disability, failure to provide reasonable adjustments, disability related harassment or victimisation or other unlawful behaviour (see https://equitynotjustequality.co.uk/ ).  The EqA imposes obligations on all those involved in service provision, public functions and associations and on education providers and employers. Health and other public sector workers in the UK have additional duties under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Public Sector Equality Duty and/or professional registration.    

The proforma covers the following:  (1) the role of the people and organisations involved, (2) the nature of the disability, (3) a summary of the discrimination experienced, (4) its consequences and (5) any support, action and outcome. Please note: you are not asked or expected to provide names of the people or the organisations involved.  However, the submission of anonymised examples will inform the overall understanding of the discrimination experienced by persons with disability and assist in the development of more focused training.

In order to preserve anonymity, you are not required to provide an email address (which would allow a copy of submissions to be sent automatically).  However, if you wish to receive a copy of your example, there is space at the end of the proforma to provide an email address. After sending a copy your email will be deleted.  

If you have any queries about this proforma, please email Andy Tyerman:  a.d.tyerman@gmail.co.uk

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