Europe Day Model of the European Parliament
Do you wanna try yourself in the role of the Member of the European Parliament? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then Europe Day Model of the European Parliament is the project you definitely have to take part in!

Who can participate? Ukrainian undergraduate students
When? 8-9 May
Where? Online, ZOOM
Language: English

Europe Day Model of the European Parliament (ED MEP) is a simulation of the work of the European Parliament, organized by the Young European Ambassadors initiative (YEAs) and Politclub UCU. The project aims to give young people an insight into the workings of the European Parliament, raise their awareness of European citizenship, and unite Ukrainian young leaders.

The project consists of 2 parts: the practical and educational one.

The educational part will be held on the first day of the ED MEP (on 8 May). Participants will attend 3 online 1-hour lectures on the history of the European Union and its institutions, the EU-Ukraine relations, and the opportunities the EU provides the Ukrainian youth with.

The practical part consists of the simulations of the 3 key sessions of the European Parliament. The simulations will be held in 2 days (on 8 and 9 May). During the first fay, participants will actively engage in discussions, develop their positions and work on their ideas in teams. During the second day, they will present their work and issue an resolution.

The topics for group work are:
- the new strategy of cooperation with the Eastern Partner countries
- the implementation of the European Green Deal
- the youth employment in times of COVID-19
- the challenges of migration processes
- the introduction of mandatory gender quotas
- the globalization influence on national identity
- the cooperation between MNC and governmental institutions

Participants will work in 7 groups consisting of 6 people.

Besides the educational and practical parts, participants will also take part in dynamic networking, team building activities, and Kahoots.

All ED MEP participants will get a present set from the Young European Ambassadors initiative and a certificate of participation. Besides, the most active will also receive the book certificates and other nice giveaways.  

The registration is open until 3 May at 6:00 PM Kyiv time.

Hurry up to jump into this amazing opportunity!

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Where do you study? (your university) *
What is your main subject of studies? *
What is your undergraduate course? *
What is your level of English? *
Are you a member of any NGO? *
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please indicate the name of the NGO
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Please provide us the link to your Facebook account *
What motivates you to participate in the  Model European Parliament? (5-7 sentences) *
Please indicate three topics of your interest *
Please share with us your expectations (if any)
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