Wellington Music Centre Feedback Survey
To help us serve our amazing community the best we can, we need information! We need to know what you're thinking and feeling about our service: what you love and what could be improved. We'll use your responses to inform our priorities for next year and beyond. Thanks for the help! 
- Peter (Music Director)

  • The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.
  • The results are completely anonymous.
  • If anything is confusing, not applicable, or you don't know the answer, skip the question.
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Programme feedback
Tell us about your experience at WMC
What instrument/s does your child play?
How long has your child been taking music lessons?
include lessons taken before joining WMC
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How much do you think your child enjoys their classes?
Very little
Very much
Clear selection
How engaging does your child find their tutor?
Not engaging
Very engaging
Clear selection
How would you rate the pace of the class for your child?
Too slow
Too fast
Clear selection
How would you rate your child's musical progress in 2024?
No progress
Significant progress
Clear selection
How involved are you in your child's music education?
e.g. do you know what music they are learning? does the teacher speak with you regularly? do you assist your child in practicing at home?
Not involved
Very involved
Clear selection
Would you like to be more or less involved?
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Are you satisfied with the value for money of the lessons?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
How much do you enjoy WMC's community events?
Very little
Very much
Clear selection
Write any specific feedback you have about your child's lessons, tutor, classmates, etc.
What would most strongly encourage you to sign up for WMC in 2025?
select all that apply
What might prevent you from signing your kids up to WMC in 2025?
select all that apply
Do you have any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions about WMC's culture and community?
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