Elementar 1 - 08/15/2023
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1 - Lucy, Michael, and Sylvie are talking. Listen and check (P) the correct answers Sem título
a . Sylvie is
25 points
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b. Sylvie’s last name is 
25 points
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c - Sylvie is from
25 points
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d - They are all
25 points
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2 - Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of be. 
a - A: Where _____________ you from, Riko?
 B: I’m from Tokyo. How about you?
25 points
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b. A: _____________ Jacob in your class this semester? 
B: Yes. We’re in the same English class.  
25 points
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c.  A: What _____________ your math class like? B: It’s really interesting, and the teacher’s great!  
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d. A: _____________ Emma and Betty from Canada? B: No, they’re from England.  
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3 - Choose the correct word. 
 a. A: Nice to meet you, Diego. What’s ________ last name again? B: __________ last name is Garcia. It’s nice to meet you, too.  
50 points
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b-  A: This is my new friend, Elizabeth. Everyone calls __________Beth. B: Hi, Beth. We’re the Johnsons. ___________ first names are George and Julie  
50 points
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4 - Complete the conversations. Use the simple present.
 a. A: Where _____________ you work? B: I work in a garage. I’m a mechanic. 
35 points
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b. A: What _____________ he do, exactly? B: He’s a reporter for The Boston Globe. 
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c. A: Where does she _____________ to school? B: She goes to the University of Chicago.  
30 points
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5 - Read the email. Then check  the correct answers. 
a -Ricardo is David’s

25 points
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b - David is a 
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c - Michael

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d - On Tuesdays and Thursdays, David

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6 - Read the email. Then check  the correct answers. 
  a. In high school, Audrey Tautou acts 
35 points
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b  Many Americans like the movie  
30 points
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c  . In Coco Before Chanel, Audrey speaks 
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7 - Choose the correct word. 
  a. I really like those  ______________ socks.
35 points
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 2. Your________ tie is beautiful. 
30 points
3. This __________ necklace is perfect for me. But it’s $3,000!   
35 points
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8 - Choose the correct word. 
  1. Tom Hanks is my favorite actor. I like __________ a lot. 
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2. Music videos are boring. Do you like ____________? 
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3. My favorite TV show is Doctor Who. What do you think of _________?  
35 points
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9 -  Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adjective. Add than if necessary. 

 Example: That purple T-shirt is nicer than the pink one. (nice)
  1. Are these boots _____________ the ones over there? (large)  
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  2. Silk is _____________ cotton. (expensive)  
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  3. Which dress is _____________ , the red one or the green one? (pretty)  
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  4. Leather jackets are usually _____________ wool ones. (good)  
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10 - Complete the sentences with do, does, what, or would..
  A: _____________ you like to see a movie tonight? B: Sure. What time does it start? 
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2. A: _____________ you like horror movies? B: No, not really. 
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3. A: What kinds of music _____________ Ricardo like? B: Rock and classical, I think. 
25 points
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4. A: _____________ does Dana play? B: She plays the piano.  
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