Limitless: Learning through Living (May-June 2025)
Use this form to apply for 'Limitless', an experiential learning programme for Year 9 Students in ESF Schools. If you have more than one Year 9 child for whom you wish to apply, please fill in this form separately for each child.

Criteria for Student Selection

A student admitted to Limitless will:
  • show genuine passion for the programme’s educational outcomes and an exemplary commitment to self-development
  • show commitment to the concept of Community Engagement, including through a track record of taking principled action to benefit others in his/her communities
  • be someone who consistently shows the strength of character necessary to be an effective ambassador for their school and the ESF
  • be committed to using their time on Limitless to aid their own development and that of their school, local and global community
The selection of a student for the programme is a global judgment that does not rely solely on any one single information source.

The enrolment deadline is 24 September 2024, 3pm. Late applications will be placed on the waitlist.  

For any questions about Limitless, please contact

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Your Child's Full Name *
Your Child's English Name on Passport *
Learning Team or Tutor Group or Class Name *
Parent Email Address *
Parent Phone Number *
Secondary School my son/daughter attends *
Please submit a short application letter explaining why your son or daughter would benefit from this experience and would make a positive contribution to the programme. *
The letter should be max. 400 words and we recommend writing it initially in a separate document and pasting it into this form, to avoid losing your text e.g. in the event of a loss of internet connection.
I give permission for my child to take part in the Limitless Programme in May-June 2024, including by travelling overseas to Brisbane, Australia *
If my child is selected, I undertake to ensuring that my child has a suitable visa / immigration status so as to be able to enter Australia for the purpose of the Limitless Programme. *
I understand the cost of the trip will likely be in the region of $65-70,000HKD and if my child is selected, I will ensure that I make the payments in accordance with the published payment schedule. *
Click here for the Limitless refund policy.
I have reviewed and updated (where applicable) my child’s contact and medical information on my school's appropriate platform e.g. Gateway/LIONeL. *
If my child is selected, I grant the Limitless programme permission to capture photographs and videos of my child. These media assets may be used for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to press releases, advertising, advertorials, website content, and recruitment materials. 
Clear selection
In accordance with the ESF Personal Data Handling Policy I authorise ESF to share the following important information with the programme provider, Higher Ground: Name (parent and student), home address, parent contact email, medical information of your child and telephone number. *
This information will only be shared with Higher Ground should your child be selected for the experience.
I understand that, whilst staff in charge of the members of the group will take all reasonable care for their health and safety, they cannot be held responsible, unless they are found to be negligent, for any injury, illness, damage or loss suffered by my son/daughter during or arising out of the activity. I authorise the leader of the activity or any member of the ESF staff present, to consent to such medical treatment which, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary for my child in the course of the activity. The school will always attempt to contact parents prior to any medical treatment being administered. I, therefore, agree to indemnify the English Schools Foundation, its employees and agents against all liability for injury (including death), illness, loss to a person or persons or damage of property caused by my son/daughter unless this can be shown to be due to the negligence of the English Schools Foundation or any of its employees. *
I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and the safety of the group that he/she obeys any rules and instructions given by the staff in charge and in particular follows the following Code of Conduct: Students will be expected to exercise self-discipline, to show courtesy, respect and consideration to staff, fellow students and members of the public. Should my son/daughter break this code of conduct, I agree to support the school’s implementation of appropriate disciplinary action, which may include returning the student home at my expense. *
Digital Signature - Please write your full name.  This will act as your digital signature confirming that all the information you have provided is correct and that you agree to the terms and conditions above. *
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