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01. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the following sentence:

My mom has eaten too ______ pieces of cake and drunk too ______ orange juice.

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02. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Which pair of words below contains countable nouns:
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03. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  All words below are uncountable nouns, except:
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04. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Choose the correct option.
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05. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Mark the group of uncountable words:
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06. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the text using the articles a, an, the or x (when no article is required): 
“Bright Star is a joint exercise. It is __________ important part of combat training. Servicemen and women from__________ army, navy and air force participate in __________exercise. It takes place in_____________ north-east of Egyt, near_________Mediterranean. They practise military skills.” 
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07. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  In the fragment "Treat others with respect. Do what you say you will do, offer to help others, exhibit a sense of urgency in responding to requests, and extend common courtesy – when others reciprocate, a trusting partnership is formed", imperative forms are used for:
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08. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Considere o diálogo a seguir e as regras do tempo verbal Presente Perfeito em inglês. Assinale a alternativa que preencha o diálogo correta e respectivamente.
A: ______ you ever ______ a famous person?
B: Yes, I ______ I already ______ Marcos Mion.
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09. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Em “This leads many people to seek help in neighboring countries”, a palavra em negrito pode ser substituída, sem alterar o sentido, por:
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10. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - "Botswana has cancelled the licenses of two professional hunters who shot dead a research elephant.”

Which verb tense the sentence above is?

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11. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:
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12. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - What is the verb tense underlined in the sentence below?

"The teacher thought we had understood the book."

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13. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Anne to Sanjay: “I’ve been running 10 kilometers everyday”. Sanjay to Stef: “Anne says she __________ 10 kilometers everyday, but I bet she can go further. That girl is a machine!”
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14. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Check the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

My mother ____ already ____ ten books.

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15. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.
“Colonel is ______a lowhest rank in the army but it is _______ laigbest than General.”
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16. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Mark the option that correctly completes the sentence below
“My parents are seriously thinking about ______ to Canada.”
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17. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentença CORRETA, colocada no plural, tempo futuro simples:
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18. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - He _____ me up as soon as his daughter _____ home.
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19. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:

As they _________ down the street they _________ Amelia.

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20. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

When you stay (1) after midnight, your attention surely (2).

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21. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Which option has one word out of context?
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22. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Observe the extract below: 

“Everybody’s going on holiday”, Bill said. He laughed. “It’s going to be wonderful. No work for two weeks”

Choose the option in which you can observe the same verb tense as in the underlined words. 
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23. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  “You look so happy!” “You’re right! I just saw my grandmother, whom I haven’t for three years.”
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24. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses.

I. He ______ a new job last week. II. The father _____ his son to go to sleep. III. Her purse______ at the party last night.

Mark the CORRECT arswer.

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25. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The theater seats _____ so _____ thatmy children _____ want to go back there.
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26. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence:

Charles normally ________ water, but now he ________ coke.

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27. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - What is the speaker expressing with the given modal choice? “The trial should be over in a few weeks.”
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28. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Mark the correct alternative. 
“Don’t speak so loud! The baby _______ now.”
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29. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence below using the appropriate pronoun:
“Sometimes, you want a search engine to find pages that have one word on _______ but not another word”.
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30. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the blanks with the right articles when necessary. 
 Attention: the blank space (________) in the options means no article.
“In my cottage there are ________ tables in the dining room and there is _________ armchair in _________ living room.
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31. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Mark the correct option to complete the sentence below.

I've just finished reading a short story called “Dangerous”. It's about a woman who ______ her husband because she doesn't want to lose him.

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32. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which sequence completes the sentences below?

1- Susan ___________ down and closed her eyes.

2- The boss ____________ the papers on the table.

3- Don’t _____________ in bed all day. Get up and do some work.

4- The lake ___________ beyond this hill.

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33. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which of the alternatives below completes the dialogue correctly?

Paul: Do you have to take him home tonight? James: In fact, I (1)______. He is taking a taxi. 

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34. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the best alternative to complete the question below:

There _________ seventeen different types of penguins. They can be _________ forty centimeters to more than one meter tall. They all _________ in the south part of the world. In winter, they swim _________ long way to find warm weather.

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35. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  No trecho “It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember”, the underlined word can be correctly replaced by
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36. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - What is the correct way to answer the question below? What do you do?
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37. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

_______ (1) will it take you to finish the project? More than a week?

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38. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural em inglês como a palavra “photo”, exceto:
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39. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -   The plural forms of tabes, box, kilo, sky, wife and tooth are respectively 
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40. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Don’t make ______ noise! He wants to get _______ sleep
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41. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - We use _____ telephone mainly for sending and receiving _____ information.
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42. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência que completa as lacunas a seguir:

_____ Indian the ecologist saw, started _____ horrible fire because of _____ ordinary yellow bird _____ flew over his head.

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43. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - During the week I get up early ______ the morning anjd go to bed late ______ night, But normally _______ weekends I sleep _______ midday.
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44. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - If you insist ________ going there, try at least to take some advantage ______ going there.
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45. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

I – What are you thinking ________?

II – He died ________ the injuries caused by a terrible accident.

III – They succeeded ________ breaking the door open.

IV – Everybody laughed ________ him when he said that.

V – Why don’t you concentrate ________ your studies?

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46. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  "My brother has a new job. He doesn't like _____ very much'’. Fill in the blank with the correct forms of the personal pronoun. 
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47. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  "The President _______ The New York Times everyday". Complete the space with the correct forms of the verb. 
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48. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words:  

Mr. Harris_________ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and________like buses, but ________trains. 
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49. (ESA - CFGS/ESA) -  Which sentence is grammatically correct ? 
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50. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Tick ​​the alternative in which all nouns exist only in the plural form
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