Staying in touch with Matt Ortile, associate editor for print and digital at Condé Nast Traveler
When Catapult magazine was shuttered, I had to leave it and my post as executive editor. Since then, I've joined Condé Nast Traveler, where I write and edit for both the site and the print magazine. I'm always looking to expand my rolodex, so if you're a journalist with experience in travel writing and reporting, I'd love to be in touch. (If you're new to the field, no prob—and same!)
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Have we worked together before? Whether at Catapult, BuzzFeed, or elsewhere. *
If yes, please describe what we worked on together!
What kind of work should I keep you in mind for?  *
*Alternately, of course, if someone asks me "do you know a [blank]?" then I can point them in your direction.
Please list your website and/or social handles—anywhere where I can see more of your work. *
Thank you again — so so much for sending me your contact. It means a lot that you'd want to stay in touch / be connected. Good luck out there, and talk soon :)
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