CI Essentials with AnneMarie Chase
Please complete this registration form to sign up for the 4 part series CI Essentials:  Engaging Language Learners Through Comprehensible Input.  The series sessions will take place from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) on Wednesdays-November 6, 13, 20, and December 4.  

Your registration is NOT complete until payment is received.  Payment can be made through Paypal via the link that will be sent to the email used to register.  Paid registrants will have access to video recordings and notes after each session.

All meeting details will be sent to the registered email after payment is received.

If you attended the PLAN Unconference and made a payment for that event, please indicate that on this form.

Certificates of attendance will be sent out after each session and if the reflection activities are completed, certificates will be sent out documenting those hours as well.

If you have any difficulties registering or need any assistance, please reach out to

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Email *
Last name *
First name *
Email address *
Are you currently teaching in world language classroom? *
Language Currenting Teaching *
Do you teach/work in the state of Nevada? *
If you do not teach/work in Nevada, in which state or country do you work/teach? *
If you teach/work in Nevada, are you a current PLAN (Professional Language Association of Nevada, our state organization) member?  In order to be a current paid PLAN member, you would have paid $75 between May and September 2024. *
I understand that I am not officially registered for this series until I make a payment of $75, if I am not already an active PLAN member. *
I understand that there are 4 sessions from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) via Zoom on Wednesdays-November 6, 13, 20, and December 4.   *
Do you have any questions or concerns to share at this time?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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