This a group fitness aerial lesson designed for children

 Please complete below to give full consent for your child to take part in the Aerial Workshop/Lesson

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Childs Name  *
Childs age on the date of workshop *


My child has no medical history that prevents them from taking part in any physical activity and I do not know of any other reason why my child should not take part


If your child has any medical conditions or injuries that may affect them participating in the workshop, please list and give us as much detail below

Due to the nature of this type of exercise I understand my child might experience some slight bruising, chaffing or strains from the aerial equipment and I understand that Cascade Dance accept no responsibility for any injury sustained as a result of my child taking part in this lesson.

Please note we provide activities that are safe for children to participate in and would not be able provide these opportunities without a fully qualified and experienced teacher. 


I  understand that my child is taking part and I give consent for them to do so. 

I understand my child need to wear the correct clothing for safety


Aerials – Leggings or long tight joggers and leotard or tight vest top  (No Shorts ) 

No jewellery, rings, watches, bracelets and earrings for safety. 

Agreeing Parent/Guardian Name and Date *
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