New York Back to School Survey
As we look towards school year 2021-2022, No Kid Hungry New York is collecting information about what school food service will look like across the state. Our team will use the results to inform plans for resources, webinars, individualized technical assistance and more. We thank you for providing your perspective on the upcoming school year by participating in this survey.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Your District *
Your Department *
Since the pandemic began, food insecurity rates increased across the state especially among children. Which of the following do you feel describes the community served by your district?” *
During SY2021-2022 school districts have the option to serve free meals to all students through the Seamless Summer Option (SSO). Is your school district planning to operate SSO? *
If you are not planning on operating SSO in the upcoming school year, what factors went into this decision?
Breakfast After the Bell programs can be a great way to increase food access for students. Will you be implementing Breakfast in the Classroom or another Breakfast After the Bell model (like grab & go or second chance) at schools in your district this school year? *
As you prepare for SY2021-2022, would you like to learn more about any of the following topics? (Check all that apply)
What are your biggest concern for the upcoming school year?
If you are experiencing any issues with food supply chains, can you provide additional information about what issues you are facing? (If you are not experiencing food supply chain issues, please write "N/A")
Is there anything else you'd like to mention about school food service in the upcoming school year?
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