Startup Investment Intake Form
The Amazon Investor Coalition organizes opportunities to showcase Amazon-related startup companies to investors.  Help us to help you by submitting your profile and investment deck here. If you have products to sell and want access to buyers, you should submit your profile here. Our wider investment program is described here.
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Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email
Your Company Name
Your Job Title
Your Phone
Your City, State, and Country
Your Linkedin
Your Company Description
What year did your company start?
What is your average annual revenue?
Who are your primary customers?
Your Biography
Which of the following industries do you work with?
If Other, please explain.
Which of the following Amazonian countries do you operate in today, or plan to in the future?
What type of capital are you seeking? Debt, equity, or something else?
How much are you hoping to raise now?
How much has been invested to date, and what are the terms?
Provide a URL to view and/or download a deck about your company.
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