NFusion IV XP
Complete this form to submit a professional or personal referral for mental health services.
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Referral Source Information
Name of Person Completing Form *
Relationship to Person Being Referred *
Phone Number of Referral Source *
How did you hear about our services? *
Client Referral Information
Name of Person Being Referred *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
Ethnicity *
Gender Identity *
Sexual Orientation *
Legal Address *
Legal Guardian Name *
Legal Guardian Phone Number *
History of Mental Health Services - Please provide dates of service and provider information. *
Current Service Needs (Select All That Apply) *
Current Symptoms (Select All That Apply) *
Describe the impact of current needs and symptoms on a daily living, relationships, school, and legal system involvement. *
Is client currently involved with the juvenile justice system? If yes, please provide details related to charges, convictions, and probation. If no, write N/A. *
If involved in the legal system, provide contact information for probation officer (name and phone number). *
Is the client currently involved with DCS/CPS (foster care/adoption, open investigation, etc.)? If yes, please describe and provide contact information for the assigned worker. Contact will not be made with the worker until a release of information is signed. *
Insurance Information
Our programs are billed to Medicaid for qualified clients or billed to our grant. However, we still must have insurance information on file. This is a secure, HIPAA compliant form. However, if you do not provide insurance information at this time, you will need to provide it at the time of intake.
Client is Not Insured *
Social Security Number
Insurance Provider
Name of Policy Owner
Policy Owner Social Security Number
Policy Owner Date of Birth
Client's Name as it Appears on Insurance Card
Group ID Number
Policy Number
Education Information
This information is not required but is helpful during the referral process. The school will not be contacted until a release of information is signed and then only as needed.
Name of School
Clear selection
Describe any accommodations (IEP, 504, etc.) or services (speech therapy, school counseling, occupational therapy, etc.) received at school. Write N/A if not applicable.
Describe School or Educational Concerns
Clear form
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