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CommTech Talks
Politecnico di Milano
Iscrizione agli eventi organizzati da CommTech @ POLIMI
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Evento (Event)
2022-05-30 - Workshop on Indoor RF Planning
2023-05-25 - Mastering MLAT and ADS-B for Air Traffic Surveillance
2023-05-15 - Non-Terrestrial Networks: Keysight walkthrough an exciting opportunity for the future of wireless communications
2023-05-08 - ADB - Next Generations Broadband
2023-03-22 - Radio-Frequency Hardware Design
2022-12-16 - Air Traffic Surveillance in the era of GNSS
2022-12-15 - ns-O-RAN: End-to-end simulation of the O-RAN architecture on ns-3
2022-11-18 - Staff Site Reliability Engineering at Google
2022-06-30 - Intelligent networks with Open RAN: Challenges and opportunities
2022-05-25 - SD-Fabric: an Open-Source Deeply Programmable Network Fabric
2022-05-09 - Towards a Heterogeneous Smart Electromagnetic Environment for Millimeter-Wave Communications: An Industrial Viewpoint
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