2025 Select Soccer Player Evaluations
Help us make this the best Evaluation experience you have ever had!  Please make sure to fill out all of the information completely before coming to the field.  
Completeness is Key: Fill out all information fields completely. Post-Submission Confirmation: Expect a Confirmation message.
Place & Time Details: Your Confirmation will include Player Evaluations Place & Time.
Questions?: Call 877-385-6972 or Email select@lnysa.org

We look forward to seeing you & your athlete on the field at the Select Player Evaluations! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
Player Date of Birth
Month, day, year 
Year the player was born- Year on their birth certificate *
Player Gender  *
Previous Player Experience  *
Player Position
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What City does the player live? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number for Emergencies  *
By submitting this form I am releasing LNYSA, Inc., its employees, agents, volunteers and coaches from responsibility of any injury or damages that might occur as a result of attending the Select Player Evaluations. I hereby authorize LNYSA, Inc. staff to act for me according to their judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention and I hereby waive and release LNYSA, Inc and its Directors and Coaches from any and all liability stemming from any injuries or illnesses incurred while at Select Player Evaluations.  I have no knowledge of any physical impairment which would be affected by participation in the Select Player Evaluations as outlined. I understand this Select Player Evaluations consists of strenuous physical activity.*
TYPE YOUR LEGAL NAME BELOW - Parents should please review the above release and Type your LEGAL NAME below.
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