Use this form to indicate your interest in volunteering. Volunteers may serve on a standard committee, usually with a commitment of 1-2 years for the sake of stability. Volunteers may wish to work on specific projects or have specific projects for the organization based on their particular set of skills, availability, etc. Committees may meet [in-person or online] with regular meetings or may be called upon to work periodically throughout the year. Other volunteer opportunities exist outside of the committee structure, involving one-time, short-term, or longer commitments.

Ideally committee members would come on board at the start of the 'new year' following the Annual Meeting, usually February or March, but please fill out this form whenever you are ready to become a volunteer. Members of the Board will be in contact with you with further details.

If you are not already subscribing to our newsletter, please do so. Connect to https://terrefoods.com and then enter your email address and click Subscribe to Newsletter.

If you are not a member of Terre Foods [$200 one-time fee for individual or family], we encourage you to join using the Join Now button on the website. However, if you wish to volunteer but not join, please complete the form. 

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Email *
Today's Date: *
Name [if multiple people in same household, please fill out one form per person]

I would like to serve on the committee/s checked - if you check more than one, we will be in touch to further discuss]

I am interested in volunteering for Terre Foods but not necessarily serve on a committee. Here are my skills, resources, etc. that I think could be useful:

I am a member of Terre Foods 
I have served on Terre Foods Committees and/or as a Board member

Previous TF service: If yes, please list what you did and when [optional]:

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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