Wikidata for Education consultation- Round 2
This is the second round of questions for the Wikidata for Education consultation. This round is designed to be more technical in nature, focusing strongly on the method for modeling the data in Wikidata. Your perspective on the data structure will help us to move forward with initiating a proof of concept in partnership with UNESCO, the National Association for Curriculum and Assessment in Ghana, and the Ghana Library authority. Some of you may be more informed on the technical ins and outs of Wikidata and some more about curriculum and education systems.  All input is valued and can help us incorporate multiple perspectives. For those who are less familiar with data structures and Wikidata, we hope you can still review these questions and examples and provide your thoughts and insights.

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One of the main pieces of feedback from round 1 was the necessity to identify/establish a vocabulary for data modeling. Incorporating your suggestions and following the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) published by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), we have identified the following vocabulary that could be used for the data modeling:
ISCED fields (Broad, narrow, detailed)
ISCED level
Local schooling level
Curriculum topics
Start date (the date the curriculum was adopted)
End date (the date the curriculum was retired or replaced)

What are your general thoughts on this list? Is there anything you would add or subtract from it? *
Which components of the above vocabulary are core and must be included in a curriculum model, and what are optional components that would allow for differentiation and flexibility based on local needs? *
Which components of this vocabulary are already included in Wikidata, and which are missing?
What are the potential limitations of Wikidata? For example, perhaps in Wikidata, we could map curriculum topics but not specific standards. What types of data would you include in Wikidata, and what would require a dedicated Wikibase?
Please see below a mock-up on Test Wikidata
In its own words, Test Wikidata is, "for developers to test their code without breaking all of Wikimedia, and blowing the world up." We have used it to draft some examples of data items based on the National Curriculum of Ghana.

National curriculum of Ghana
B6 (Ghana Education Level)

What about mock-up works well? What can be improved?
If you feel confident with Wikidata, can you use the Test Wikidata ( to model curriculum data based on an example from the Ghana National Curriculum? Share a link below.
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