International Humanitarian Law Online Quiz
Test your knowledge on IHL.
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1.        What are the categories of "protected persons" under the first and second Geneva Conventions?

5 points
2. What does IHL stand for? *
5 points

3. What is the difference between international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law?

5 points
4. IHL applies
5 points
5. The purpose of IHL is to reduce the devastation of war and protect civilians.
5 points

6. Making use of an ambulance marked with the Red Cross emblem in order to lead an attack against enemy soldiers constitutes a war crime

5 points
7. What are the principles on which International Humanitarian law are based?
5 points
8. Which office is responsible for coordinating the United Nations response to humanitarian emergencies?
5 points
9. An international armed conflict means fighting between the armed forces of at least two States.
5 points
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10. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977 contain almost 600 articles and are the main instruments of IHL.

5 points
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