Otra Luna 6 - Tango maratHon in Paris Registration form
Register through this online registration form, to the OTRA LUNA Tango MaratHon in Paris, from January 17th to 19th, 2025. The price of €150 includes snacks, water and hot drinks, Saturday brunch, "Chef Ludo's Gourmet meal" on Sunday afternoon, and 2 midnight soups.
Please note that the confirmation of your registration is not immediate.  Please wait a few days and do not register twice.

NOTE : registering does not mean "you are IN". If you are accepted, you will get an email with all the payment details (remember to check your spam folder !). Payment should be done within 21 days of that email. Once we have received your payment, you will get a definitive confirmation with all the marathon details. 
The pass is non-refundable, exchange is possible for the same role with someone on the waiting list. 
Hope to see you soon in Paris !
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First Name *
Ex: Maria
Last (Family) Name *
Your Email *
please enter a valid e-mail, otherwise you'll never receive our answers :)
Facebook profile (optional)
example : https://facebook.com/first.last
City *
The city where you live
Postal (zip) code
Country *
The country where you live
Your main dancing role
If you want to participate as a 100 % double role, please add it in comment
Other important things we should know :) 
If you are coming in couple, which is your partner's email?
NOTE : both partners need to register
GDPR agreement *
Do you agree your personal datas to be used for the registration process of Otra Luna Marathon. It will never be used outside this context. You also accept that some pictures will be shared on the FB event.
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