Mysteries of the Wheel of the Year Application
Year-long class (12 lessons) • $175

Go deeper into the soul and spirit world through the Turning of the Wheel of the Year. Examine specific mystical teachings involving the approach towards the Wheel found in the Temple of Witchcraft, yet adaptable and inspiring for your own personal practice and traditions. Learn more about the annual journey of the Goddess and God of the Wheel as they shift their forms from Mother and Child to Lovers, Monarchs, Sacrifice and Mourner and Hidden Ones. Work with some of the Sabbatic deities most often associated with the Holidays – Brid, Ostara, Bel, Lugh, Mabon, Modron, Morrighan and Dagda.
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Contact Information
Please complete all required questions.
First Name *
Last Name *
Magickal/Craft Name (if any)
Email *
Is magick, Witchcraft, or ritual brand new to you? *
If not, give a short summary of your past magickal experience or training: *
Are you currently or previously involved in the Temple of Witchcraft? *
If yes, what is your Temple membership level?
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Availability of Training
This training is open to people of all races, sexual orientations, gender identity, ethnicity or background. We do reserve the right to refuse admittance to those who do not possess the necessary stability or health to safely complete the program.
This training is not a substitute for medical care or psychological counseling. Students are wholly responsible for their own physical and emotional well-being and care.  Students are also wholly responsible for their emotional or other reactions to meditation, ritual or shamanic journeying work. Support by peers and teacher is provided, but if you require outside support and facilitation via a counselor or therapist, make sure such support is in place BEFORE starting the course.
Confidentiality Agreement
All private materials related to this course (i.e. those materials not available or for sale to the general public) are under consideration for future publication or release, and thereby must be kept private, used only by students currently enrolled in class.

I agree that I will not, during my course engagement in this program or at any time thereafter, disclose to any third party any confidential material, including writings, files, artwork, designs, formulas and audio material. I will likewise keep material shared by other students in the apprenticeship, personal or professional, confidential unless otherwise given permission to disclose such information by said party. Apprentice groups should be confidential places where people feel comfortable sharing information and experience.
You must indicate your agreement to apply *
Legal Name *
Date Submitted *
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