Centennial District Roundtable
Survey for 2023
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What type of Unit are you involved with as a Parent of Leader *
What unit(s) are you a part of?
My Leadership Role, if I have one, is... *
How long have you been in this position?

 When attending Roundtable, what are the most important things you liked about it -- or what would you be the most important things to have in a Roundtable in the future? Please Choose up to 5 items  

What keeps you from attending Roundtable? *
Why did you give the answers in the previous question and what are your suggestions to improve it?
Would you prefer In-person or Virtual Roundtable meetings *
What times or locations are best for you for an In-person roundtable?
For a virtual Roundtable, how often would you want one and what would you like to achieve if we did a combination of virtual and in-person.

 Are there any topics you would like to have discussed at Roundtable?


 Are there any topics about which you would be willing to help lead a discussion?

If you are willing to lead a topic, please provide us with your contact information -- Name, email, phone

Please let us know if some of the following topics are of interest to you.

If you would be willing to help lead a discussion on a topic below, please add it to the question above.

 I you were in charge of Roundtable, what they would do differently?
Please share with us any other feedback about your past and recent experience at Roundtable?                                           
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