Quiz for Lesson 1: Stages of a Helping Relationship
Please complete this quiz as you go through the lesson, stopping at every "Checkpoint" and selecting the answer that best corresponds with each numbered question.  All questions require a response; if you do not know, provide your most educated and best guess. Be sure to click "submit" when you are done. On the next screen you will get to view your results.  Good luck!
1. Choose the best introduction for a counselor to make with a youth while on street outreach. *
1 point
2. After you’ve made introductions, what should be your initial goal?   *
1 point
3. As a counselor first getting to know a youth, what should you generally NOT do?   *
1 point
4. Identify a set of common strengths a youth might have.   *
1 point
5.  Which one of these is NOT a good reason for conducting an assessment? *
1 point
6. Which the best way to further assess a youth’s concern about the police? *
1 point
7. Which of the following is NOT an active listening technique? *
1 point
8. What is the point of understanding a youth’s motivation? *
1 point
9. Which of the following best illustrates the “meet youth where they are” principle? *
1 point
10. Which goal is sufficient enough based on the criteria of specific outcomes (who, where, when, how)? *
1 point
11. Which of the following is NOT a listed technique of successful goal setting? *
1 point
12. How might you NOT want to process a youth’s relapse together? *
1 point
13. What question is probably most important when identifying a good community partner to refer a youth to?   *
1 point
14. Put the stages of a helping relationship in proper order. *
1 point
15. A counselor asks, “What is the best set of solutions to help Cameron get out of homelessness?” He or she is probably working through what stage of the helping relationship? *
1 point
16. Choose the only sequence of goals that follows chronological order. *
1 point
Your name (FIRST LAST) *
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