Student Leader Application (Design Buddies & UXGO)
We're looking for student leaders who will represent our community, host events, and help your peers kickstart their design careers. 

You’ll connect with industry professionals and other student ambassadors, gain leadership experience, and earn rewards. 

Apply now to join the squad and start making an impact!

Please apply by this Sunday September 8, 11:59 pm PST. We’re going through applications and sending out invites to our orientation/Q&A session happening on Thu Sep 12, 3 pm PST 

Some more info + benefits (preview to our new site, coming along with a huge announcement soon): 

Questions? Email Design Buddies Founder Grace Ling, 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What's your full name? *
Which school do you go to? *
What is your major? *
What year of study are you in? *
What is your LinkedIn? *
What are your career goals? *
Why would you like to be a student leader/ambassador? *

What relevant experience do you have in leading events, clubs, or communities?


What ideas do you have for events or initiatives you’d like to lead as an ambassador?

What are some skills you're proud of? *

How many hours per week can you commit to the ambassador role?


Are you able to attend virtual meetings and training sessions?

Do you have anything else you'd like us to know or any feedback for us? *
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