Project Screening Criteria
Accessing our Launchpad is simple. Just fill out this form (takes about 5 minutes).

Once completed, you'll receive a message with the next steps.  
Email *
Email *
What is your name? (First Name + Surname) *
What is your position? *
Team Size *
What is the name of your project? *
What is your Telegram @handle? Format[Handle]   *
What is your Twitter @handle? *

Summarize what your company does in 50 characters or less.

  What is the website URL of your project?   *

Is your product already live?

If you have a demo, please provide the URL. A demo can include anything that showcases how the product works, typically in the form of a video or screen recording.  

What are the current and projected revenue streams as well as their intended use?


Who are your main competitors?


  Key innovations and differentiators (USPs of your project)

What is your current funding stage? *

Do you have any VC investors, a lead investor, or grants?  

How much funding have you secured so far?   *

If applicable, what is the estimated time of arrival for your TGE?


Kindly share your tokenomics file (should be an URL)

Kindly share your deck/data room (should be an URL) *
What type of collaboration or support would you value most from us? For example, investment, strategic guidance, networking opportunities, technical expertise, etc.  
Anything else?
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