2021/2022 Winter Simulator Leagues
** Elks Member League - 2 Person Stroke Play (Team total) League, played on Full Swing Golf program.
- Members Only (Lodge or Golf Course)
- $0 League Fee
- $1.00 Domestic Drafts
- Weekly Golf $25
- Winner gets $200 Simulator Pass ($100/Player)

** 2-Person Best Ball League - Best ball league (not a scramble), played on Full Swing Golf program.
- $25 League Fee
- Weekly Golf Member $25
- Weekly Golf Public $35
- Prizes TBD based on sign ups

** 2-Women Scramble League, played on E6 program.
- $25 League Fee
- Weekly Golf Member $12.50
- Weekly Golf Public $17.50
- Prizes TBD based on sign ups

The leagues above are scheduled to begin on November 15th. Session 1 will be 8 weeks long, once finished we will begin Session 2 for 8 more weeks. You will need to make sure you are booking your times for the simulator. Rules & Course schedule will be available at your first round. Please provide both players emails so we are able to send updated standings, rules and information to both players.

Don't let that swing that you worked on all summer go to waste! The Elks 797 have the best simulators on the market, and WE JUST UPGRADED both of them!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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